Monday, February 25, 2013

Book Series Reveiw

Hey Guys! I know that it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog post, but I have been pretty busy with school. This is my book series review of the blue blood series. I am doing this because I did not ever review any other books in this series. I hope you enjoy.

Taken from

Series: Blue Bloods
Author: Melissa De La Cruz
Publisher: Hyperion
First Date of Publication: March 27, 2007
Background: This series is set in Manhattan, New York. In the first book you meet Schulyer Van Alen and her friends. Where they all go to Duchesne Acedem. Her life changes the day she receives a letter explaining that she got into "The Committee." An elite group or is it. The adventures take place from there. 
How I Rate This Series: 4 1/2 out of 5 stars
My Thoughts: Overall I have enjoyed this series a lot. Through out the series they are a few bumps along the way. Don't hate me, but when I read the last book of the series I wanted more. I would definitely think that anybody would like this series. 

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